Participate in market research

Your opinion is valuable

Take part in market research, get paid and shape future development

Get payments, free products and more for simply giving your opinion

We invite participants to online and in-person focus groups, online surveys and product trials, about everything from cars and electronics to food, fashion and beauty. You could earn up to £300 for a single session!

Current projects you can sign up for now

  • EV owners: help drive future innovation - focus group for £150

    Do you own an electric vehicle? Join our focus group and help drive future innovation.

    • £150 incentive
    • 2-hour focus group discussion in a central London venue

    Session Options:
    • Monday, 30th September: 3.45pm or 6.45pm
    • Tuesday, 1st October: 3.45pm or 6.45pm

  • Smart home devices - focus group for £175

    • Do you use smart devices at home, like smart plugs, lights, or fridges? We're looking for people in central London to join a focus group!

    • 2-hour discussion

    • 1-hour homework task

    • £175 for your time


    • Tuesday 23rd July: 3pm or 7pm

    • Wednesday 24th July: 3pm or 7pm

  • Do you have a hybrid heat pump? £300 incentive

    • If you are a homeowner who has a hybrid heat pump installed at their property, we want to hear your experience!

    • £300 for an home visit or £150 for an online interview

    • 90 minutes

    • UK wide

    • April 2024

Frequently asked questions

  • Your opinion can influence how companies develop their current and future products. Businesses conduct market research to gain feedback from the public and find out more about market trends. Our research events range from one-on-one interviews to large sessions with hundreds of people. It could ultimately be your opinion that's used to shape future products or services. You can earn between £50-£300 for just a few hours of your time!

  • Focus groups are group chats about a topic, typically between 6-10 carefully selected participants. Focus groups usually last 1-3 hours, so our interviewers can make sure everyone gets time to say what they think. There are no right or wrong answers, so if you really like or dislike something we want to hear it!

  • We take your privacy seriously. If you register or apply for one of our events, we take every measure to ensure your information is secure and not misused.

    The Esomar and MRS codes of conduct form the framework to the work we do and we take pride in making sure we are as open as we can be about the nature of the research.

    You can choose not disclose certain information but it may limit the number of events we can invite you to. We will never try to sell you anything or pass your information onto any third parties without your explicit consent.

    For more details on our privacy policy, please click here.

  • You can sign up to Serrula's database by clicking here.

    It only takes a minute or two and will enable us to reach out to you should there be a new project that we are recruiting for.

    Many of our projects aren't posted on our website or social media, instead we only send invitations to suitable people from our database.

  • The questions you answered initially give us a snapshot of who you are and whether you qualify.

    Every project's different and requirements can vary significantly, so we ask additional questions to check if you meet more detailed criteria.

    Eligibility for one our events can be very specific, i.e. you are aged between 20-60, drive a certain model of car bought at a particular time.

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Data security is our top priority

We comply fully with GDPR standards and regulations. We abide by the MRS code of conduct and work within the ESOMAR framework.

Your data kept safe